Practical life
A child is naturally attracted to activities that give him /her independence children seek autonomy and control of their life practice this with pouring caring tying sweeping and washing up for examples of exercises that help a young child to coordinate his movement and establish order and good working habits for long attention span and deeper concentration precision.
The sensorial materials help the child to develop order and clarity in thinking they include activities to aid the child to classify discriminate and compare size weight shape texture color taste sound and smell most sensorial materials are mathematically based and provide opportunities for movements and intellectual challenges additionally they introduce reached vocabulary to the children.
The language activities explore the sound symbol relationship using objects, mobile alphabet letters and reading cards, language Is thought phonetically literature is presented daily we will be following the phonetic method strictly.
Hands-on materials include exercises in quantity symbols, place value and relationship between quantities because the work progresses from concrete to abstract using manipulative materials. Children easily graph mathematical concepts in addition multiplication division fractions and geometry. The exercise not only teaches the child to calculate but they provide a deep understanding of place value and how numbers function.
These activities are designed to help the child become aware of and appreciate the diversity of the world by examining the human body plant and animal word and taking care of his or her environment, continent and country studies introduce the child to people geography, music, food, and art.
Extra curriculum
Our curriculum is far reaching and is often triggered by the children’s interest. As the class gets excited about an idea, our teachers bring in materials, music food, guest, speakers and lessons, children also have weekly foreign language introductions to Spanish.